Welcome to the biomedical department of VITATECH, a leading medical supplies trading company dedicated to providing cutting-edge technology and unparalleled services to aesthetic and dermatology facilities worldwide. Our team of highly skilled biomedical engineers and technicians are equipped with the latest technology and tools to provide fast, efficient, and reliable service. We offer a range of services, including installation, maintenance, and repair of medical devices, as well as staff training and consultation services.
Our team of highly skilled biomedical engineers and technicians are equipped with the latest technology and tools to provide fast, efficient, and reliable service. We offer a range of services, including installation, maintenance, and repair of medical devices, as well as staff training and consultation services.
Expert installation of medical devices to ensure they are properly set up and ready for use.
Preventative maintenance to keep your devices in excellent condition & prevent issues before they occur.
Regular maintenance of medical devices to keep them in excellent condition and prevent breakdowns.
Prompt and efficient repair of medical devices to minimize downtime and ensure that your facility continues to provide exceptional patient care.
24/7 availability and an average response time of 60 minutes for emergencies, ensuring that your facility stays up and running.
Average repair time under 10 hours for 94% of equipment, minimizing disruption to your facility’s operations and allowing you to continue providing exceptional patient care.